Are cell phone antennae on the rooftops of apartment buildings safe?


In December 2009 an array of cell phone antennas was placed on an apartment building in downtown Toronto, much to the surprise of the residents who first became aware of this construction as the cranes moved in.

Within two months, those who lived on the top floor of this apartment building began to feel ill. Nausea, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, headaches, head pressure, difficulty sleeping, brain fog, skin rash, burning sensation in the skin, and a metallic taste in the mouth were just some of the symptoms. One woman and her daughter became so sick, they could no longer stay in their apartment and moved in with friends. The antennas were close enough to be touched by a broom from the top floor balcony.

On February 13, 2010, the tenants asked Dr Magda Havas and other Es experts to visit their building and measure the radiation in their penthouse apartment and on their balcony. Levels of radiation were among the highest ever measured on a number of meters all of which gave similar readings.

For Dr Havas' warnings about cell phone antennae or rooftops ('some of the highest readings we recorded were immediately below the antennas in the various bedrooms') and the experiences of the residents, in print and on video - click here.


More articles on mobile phones and masts

First Published in Febuary 2010

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