Electromagentic Sensitivity (ES)
- what is going on - and how it might be treated

Early in September Dr George Carlo, head of the US Safe Wireless Initiative (www.safewireless.org) spent a day with members of the UK group, describing his and his colleagues’ work on the underlying pathology of ES and the treatment protocol they are evaluating and which they hope may be able to reverse the condition. Michelle Berriedale-Johnson reports.


In layperson’s terms, ES is a condition that locks the body’s cells shut, prevents them taking in nutrients, expelling waste matter and communicating with each other. For the more medically literate Dr Carlo and his colleagues have classified ES as a subtype of a membrane sensitivity syndrome (with suggested links with post traumatic stress disorder, alcoholism and autistic spectrum disorders amongst others). Specifically, they believe the condition is an epigenetic vertical transmission of cellular ion channel impermeability.

Parasympathetic and sympathetic

For our bodies to function efficiently there needs to be a constant traffic between its cells. Nutrients need to get in to provide ‘food’ for the mitochondria within the cells (the mitochondria create the energy needed to keep the whole thing running) and waste matter needs to get out and be disposed of.

In ‘normal’ conditions (known as parasympathetic mode) the cells remain ‘open’ to allow nutrients to pass in and waste matter to pass out. Both pass through what are known as ‘ion channels’ – effectively doors – into and out of the cell.
However, if the cells detect a ‘foreign’ substance they shut the ion channel ‘doors’ to ensure that the substance, if it is harmful, cannot get into the cell. This is known as the ‘sympathetic’ response.

Under normal circumstances, cells will flip from parasympathetic to sympathetic mode and back again several times a minutes – closing when they perceive a potential danger and opening again as soon as the perceived danger has passed.

Electromagnetic fields

There are two types of ‘natural’ electromagnetic fields to which humans have adapted over the millenia: spatially coherent fields, which have a constant three dimensional shape, and temporally coherent fields, which have a constant frequency pattern.

However, for an electric field to carry information (eg radio waves) it needs to combine the two so that the information can be hung, rather like clothes on a clothes line, on the carrier frequency thus creating a spatially coherent field.

Cell receptors

Each cell in our body has two types of ‘receptor’ on its exterior.
1. Vibrational receptors, like a microscopic hairs which respond to electromagnetic fields and warn the cell of how to react.
2. Chemical receptors which operate like a lock and open when an expected chemical (the key) comes by.

The vibrational receptors ‘interpret’ the spatially and temporally coherent electromagnetic signals as harmless to the body, so when one or the other passes by they ignore them.

However, combined spatially and temporally coherent waves are another matter. These the vibrational receptors ’interpret’ as potentially harmful so they instruct the cells to go into protection (sympathetic) mode and close the ion

The problem is that a combined spatially and temporally coherent wave is a ‘standing wave’ or one which remains in a constant position. In other words, it does not move on as other sympathetic stressors do, so the cell remains shut (sympathetically locked) as it perceives that the threat remains in place. Unable to take in the proper nutrients the cells become energy deficient, losing their ability to communicate with surrounding cells, essential if they are to work efficiently with each other in tissues and organs. This causes systemic (over the whole body) symptoms.
Meanwhile, waste products, including free radicals, accumulate in the cells, reducing their energy resources yet further.


Everyday, in our bodies, strands of DNA are broken and repaired. However, the efficiency of this repair is impaired by the presence of too many free radicals.

Moreover, the transfer of information on what is going on outside of the cell to the genetic material inside the cell is
affected by this cell membrane reaction. This process is controlled by Frohlich energy.

This energy is different depending on whether the cell is in parasympathetic or sympathetic mode. If the cell remains is in sympathetic mode, then the Frohlich energy will instruct the genetic material inside the cell that a ‘normal’ cell membrane is ‘sympathetic’ or locked down. This information is transmitted to the new ‘daughter’ cells after the cell replicates (ie mitosis) – which is why the cell membrane damage is described as an epigenetic change (change to the gene structure) that is vertically transmitted (from parent to daughter cell).

If the bodies’ cells remain locked, unable to import nutrients or export waste matter, they will become increasingly energy deficient and this will have a progressively debilitating effect on all the systems and organs in the body.

Inducing sensitivity

Although this scenario is universal (hence the long-term population health concerns) the cells in some people’s bodies are particularly responsive to information-carrying radio waves. This hyper-responsivenesss or sensitivity would appear to be induced by a significant, even traumatic, exposure to information carrying waves. Once sensitised, any exposure will exacerbate the condition.

Progressive medical condition

The phases outlined by Dr Carlo and his colleagues are:
Phase 1. Functional impairment – excessive fatigue, poor sleep, tingling extremities
Phase 2. Debilitating progress. Headache, light headedness, palpitations, poor concentration and memory impairment.
Phase 3. Bloodshot eyes, irritability and anger, nausea, blood in the stools, skin rashes and bumps, impaired vision.

Differential diagnostic tests for phase 2 can now be supplemented with laboratory markers for phase 3:
• TBARs test to measure lipid peroxidase/cell membrane stress
• Total antioxidant test
• DHEA – saliva test to measure oxidative stress-induced
• Cortisol test to measure
systemic stress response
• Measurement of the ratio of interstitial to intercellular heavy metals.

Treatment protocol

The treatment that the group is currently evaluating will take up to 18 months to complete even though symptoms may subside much earlier.

Treatment must take place in an EMR-free environment and concentrates initially on reopening the ion channels. Once this has been achieved, the energy of the mitochondria can be boosted to enable them expel waste matter from the cells. This is followed by the removal of both interstitial (between the cells) and intercellular toxins thus allowing the cells to return to (and to reproduce themselves) in parasympathetic mode.

As of now the experimental treatment is being evaluated at one clinic in Florida; we look forward to its arrival in the UK.

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Click here for more articles on the health risks of ES



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