NAET - a year on.

Last May, nutritional therapist Michaela Rose described the workings of NAET, a new allergy elimination technique which she had been trying on both herself and her patients. (Click here here to read the article.) Now, a year on, she brings us up to date.

What is NAET?

NAET stands for ‘Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique.’ It was invented by an Indian GP now working in the US. It involves using a particular form of muscle testing to discover ‘energetic clashes’ between the body and allergens.
These clashes are ‘removed’ using a technique that is a mix of chiropractic movements, breathing and acupressure. The allergen being treated is then avoided for 25 hours and that should be the end of the problem with that particular substance! In my limited experience, NAET seems to work best for those with a definite reaction to a substance and for those who want to ensure their body is absorbing nutrients properly. I know it sounds odd - and too good to be true. I was very sceptical. Now I describe NAET as ‘weird, but wonderful’.

What happens during NAET treatment

You start the NAET process by treating for the 10-15 basic allergens, which include vitamins, minerals and sugars. Most people need four to six ‘basics’ treated before they can move on to deeper allergens such as animals or alcohol. Initially some some people feel they are reacting to more rather than less! It seems that as you go through the basic allergens, (mostly nutrients in food like vitamin C or B complex) you absorb much more of them which allows your body and your immune system to work better. But you also absorb more of any allergens you come across – hence you react more.

I now insist that patients commit to finishing any weak allergens found within the top 15. Generally, as you work down the top 15 allergens, the body becomes stronger and is able to clear allergens itself. For example, my wheat allergy turned out to be an allergy to B
vitamins rather than to the wheat itself, so I cleared wheat without actually treating it.

Many people’s reactivity is greatly reduced once they have completed the basics and at this stage you can move on to treating specific allergens, such as dairy or wheat, to which they react singly or in combination.

I found, for example, that after the ‘basics’ treatment I could eat oats and wheat again with little reaction, but I still had a combination allergy reaction whenever I ate wheat at the same time as dairy and alcohol. I treated myself specifically for this before a holiday in Greece – and had a whale of a time eating foods I no longer had to worry about - including glasses of red wine!

Currently, I know that I still react to dairy on its own, as well as to MSG and carageenan. But, I haven’t bothered treating them yet as my allergies are no longer at the front of mind. I feel well most of the time now, so I’ll get round to it when I have a chance…and that’s a result as far as I see it!

So, does NAET work?

Yes, in my opinion it can, certainly in most cases I’ve come across. There are no guarantees and I think that, in complicated cases, it takes dedication and self-treatments at home as well as in a clinic. But there is no doubt in my mind that it can help allergies. I’m living proof -
and so are many of my patients.

I still couldn’t tell you how or why it works, but then again, we don’t yet understand everything in this world. And it would be boring if we did!

For more info, please read Say Goodbye To Your Allergies by Devi Nambudripad, go to to find your nearest practitioner.


Animal allergies
One man had quite a severe asthma attack whenever he went near cats, and also reacted to dairy with an outbreak of eczema. After treatment for three basic allergens, we treated dairy, animal dander and his thymus gland (an important part of the immune system).
On his next encounter with cats, he had a slight tightening of his chest and some wheezing. After a booster treatment, I sent him to a cattery and waited for him to call from his hospital bed, but thankfully, he had no reaction at all!

In another favourite animal case, a young lady who had had to avoid going near dogs for years was having problems with her new boyfriend who had two labradors. Every time she and her boyfriend got close her face came up in blisters! She rang in great excitement recently to tell me she had allowed a dog to lick her and cuddled it, with no reaction. I wait to hear what happened when she next kissed her boyfriend…

Chronic allergies
Patients with chronic problems can be a lot more complicated to treat as there can be several ‘layers’ of allergy. These can take several months to work through.

The aim is to improve absorption and use of the nutrients in the body so that systems and organs can start to repair and work properly again. Then, you need to clear any combination allergies and emotional triggers. In this case, I help to get them past their basic allergens and work on some major mixes like chemicals, food additives, pesticides, environmental allergens etc.

At this stage it is possible to show a patient how to test and treat themselves at home. I have several patients doing a self-treatment a week.

One man was highly reactive to nearly all of the top 55 allergens. We have given him a strength tester to use at home to discover what he is reacting to, with self-treatment instructions to clear up the allergies. I’m pleased to report he is managing to eat what for him feels like a ‘proper diet’ now, but he still has a long way to go.

I have been helping a lady with chronic fatigue. We have made very slow progress as she reacts to any supplements or healthy foods we try to get into her body – even in tiny amounts. After treating her basic allergens and some self-treatments at home, she is now able to eat some healthy foods – she is very excited at being able to have porridge for breakfast! Even better, she is now on a full nutritional prescription – the very nutrients her body has been refusing to absorb for the past 20 years. I feel that this has been largely the cause of her problems: no fuel - no energy. Simple as that. Her migraines have stopped and she reported she was able to cope with Christmas this year without taking to her bed – a first for years, apparently.

Allergies and emotions
Some allergies can have a definite emotional trigger which NAET can uncover. More than once I’ve had a patient in tears on the couch as I’ve been using muscle testing to track the root of a problem.
In one case, we had a lady with a chronic cough. During testing, it came out that she was very angry with a family member and the cough was related to a particular incident that had upset her years ago. We treated her for the anger, which she no longer feels, and the cough, although not completely gone, happens much less frequently.

Children seem to react well to NAET. Their energetic level is so strong that they rarely need more than three treatments.

We recently had a lovely letter from a mum thanking us for helping to clear her two-year-old son’s eczema, which was raw and weeping when I first met him. We did the treatments with his mum and grandmother acting as surrogates and it cleared after three sessions. His mum says she no longer has to apply any creams or even think about it. In fact, we have had such good results with skin conditions like urticaria and eczema, NAET is now our primary treatment for skin in-clinic.

My own case
So, what about me? Well, I’m pleased to report that I am now able to eat garlic, oats, alcohol and wheat for the first time in years. Previously, I suffered major lethargy and weakness, aches and pains in my limbs, IBS-type symptoms, itching all over my body, especially in my ears, and very debilitating neck and arm muscle spasms that would put me out of action as a massage therapist for days. Now - nothing!
More than that, though, I can honestly say I never really felt well. I seemed always to be reacting to something and, although I knew the substances that caused the acute reactions, I couldn’t pinpoint them all. I’m certainly not there yet as I too have several ‘layers’ of allergy to work through, but I’m making good progress.


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