Alternatives to the GFD

Are patients with coeliac disease seeking alternative therapies to a gluten-free diet?

Treatment for coeliac disease is currently a gluten-free diet, which is very difficult to adhere to.

A study at the Department of Gastroenterology at the University of Sheffield, UK has explored the extent to which dissatisfied sufferers are looking for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments for coeliac disease. 310 patients with coeliac disease (CD) completed a questionnaire survey, with a control group of 477 people also completing the survey.

While over 40% of people with CD were found to be dissatisfied with their gluten-free diet treatment, only 21.6% sought CAM compared to 27% of the control group. All patients surveyed expressed an interest in novel therapies, with vaccination being the most popular, and genetically modified wheat being the least popular.

Source: PubMed

More research on the management of coeliac disease


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