Mercury a causative factor in ASD?

Below is the conclusion of study report in Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalisclick here for the full apaper

The present study indicates that subjects diagnosed with an ASD have, on average, significantly higher levels of Hg in their blood than controls. The neurotoxicity of Hg is well-established, and it is known that even small amounts of Hg can cause neurological injury similar to the brain pathology found in subjects diagnosed with an ASD (Austin 2008, Geier et al. 2008, 2009e).

In addition, recent research indicates subjects diagnosed with an ASD have a decreased detoxification capacity for Hg (Geier et al. 2009a). The weight of evidence provided by a variety of different studies offers a compelling argument for the hypothesis that Hg is a causal factor in the neuropathology reported in subjects diagnosed with an ASD.

It is recommended that further research should be conducted to evaluate the consistency of the present results with those in other populations of subjects diagnosed with an ASD. Investigators should also examine the potential correlation between elevated Hg and other potential markers of adverse effects in subjects with an ASD diagnosis, and physicians should consider treatment options that may be available for Hg-intoxication in subjects diagnosed with an ASD.

Blood mercury levels in autism spectrum disorder: Is there a threshold level?
David A. Geier, Tapan Audhya, Janet K. Kern, and Mark R. Geier

First published in 2010

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