Is a 300% increase in Crohn's disease the result of our escalating exposure to wireless technologies?

A question from Dr Andrew Goldsworthy, first published as a blog on StopSmartMeters

You may have seen recent reports of a 300% increase in Crohn's disease, such a recent article in the Independent.

Possible explanations for the rising trend include the use of antibiotics and the availability of junk food; but corresponding evidence for these contentions are thin and do not correlate well to the time-scale of ten years. What fits better, in fact, is our increased exposure to RF/microwaves emissions, such as those from mobile phones and WiFi, which have increased dramatically over the last ten years.

The likely mechanisms for harm are electromagnetically-induced inflammation, as experts such as Professor Olle Johnasson of Sweden's Karolinska Institute have pointed out on many occasions. Electromagnetic frequencies in the RF/MW wavelength also increase the permeability of the blood/gut barrier (similar to the blood brain barrier which is also opened by weak electromagnetic fields) which allow foreign materials from the gut and partially-digested food to enter the bloodstream which can trigger the generation of antibodies and an autoimmune response.

As an example of this, according to Arrieta et al.(2006) Gut 55 1512-1520, alterations in the permeability of the gut barrier have been linked to several autoimmune diseases, including Crohns disease, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome and type-1 diabetes.

It is interesting that no one in the media seems to want to mention our increasingly dangerous, electromagnetic environment as being a likely cause of so much ill health. These are some of many reasons for needing to remove WiFi and Smart Meters from schools – and everywhere else for that matter.

Dr Andrew Goldsworthy Lecturer in Biology (retired) Imperial College London.

Blood brain barrier
As with the blood/brain barrier, the blood/gut barrier can be compromised by RF/MW radiation, allowing foreign materials and toxins to enter the gut. Image credit: Nature

July 2014

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