The rhythm of life

While doctors are still concentrating on the mechanical and chemical aspects of biology, laboratory researchers continue to uncover evidence of the quantum reality that we are essentially vibrational beings, pulsating to the rhythms of the cosmos.

Scientists at Colorado State University, US, have found that oscillation is a basic property of all genes, as opposed to a special function of only a limited number of genes, as previously believed.

The researchers have established a baseline oscillation in 98-99% of all genes and that the function of all genes in mammals is based on circadian rhythms - the biological rhythms that cycle over a 24-hour period and regulate timing for most physiological functions and behaviours such as sleeping and eating.

Previously, it had been thought that only 10-15% of genes were affected by nature's clock and that only behaviour responded to its influence. Now, it is clear that daily rhythm dominates all life functions, and metabolism in particular.

Better understanding of the oscillation properties of genes involved in metabolism should provide new insights into how genes regulate health and disease. For example, it could eventually explain why it is best for dieters not to eat late in the day.

The research has already shown that gene oscillation is
significantly more organised when mammals are exposed to regular periods of day and night, and can become chaotic when the alternating pattern of light and dark is disrupted - a fact that has obvious implications for the health of shift workers.

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First Published August 2007

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