Michelle's Freefrom Chocolate Dipped Mango Slices

Corn, egg, gluten, lactose, milk, nightshade, nut, peanut, sesame, soya & wheat free

My good jig-sawing friend, Ruth Rosenthal, brought  some of these delicious goodies to one of our jigsaw evenings. So simple and so yummy!Mango choc


  • Approx 4 slices of dried mango per head – try to get fairly soft mango pieces as if they are too chewy you risk a molar or two when you try to eat them!
  • Approx 250g / 9 oz dairy-free dark chocolate


  1. Break up the chocolate and melt it in a deepish bowl (to make the dipping easier…) over gently simmering water.
  2. Lay a  baking rack out over some aluminium foil.
  3. When the chocolate is melted, dip each piece of mango half of its length into the melted chocolate.
  4. Carefully remove it and put it to dry and harden on the rack.
  5. Continue until all the mango is ‘chocolated’. If you have chocolate over, you can always double dip….

We have over 800 delicious freefrom recipes on this site all of which are gluten free, most of which are dairy and lactose free and many of which are free of most other allergens. Please go to the following sections to try them out: