Swedish study provides evidence of link between vaccination with Pandremix and narcolepsy in children and adolescents

Pandremix vaccines are used to protect against the H1N1 influenza virus. Two studies, one from Finland and one from Sweden have looked at the various possible side-effects of the vaccine. The Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA), in co-operation with four Swedish Healthcare regions and county councils, and the Karolinska Institutet, has looked at the relationship between narcolepsy (extreme adn inappropriate drowsiness) and the Pandremix vaccine.

All cases of diagnosed narcolepsy in the four regions have been compared to information on the regional vaccination databases. The vaccination coverage in the whole area was 67% for children and adolescents under 21 years of age, and 57% for adults. The study shows there are 4.06 cases in 100,000 of diagnosed narcolepsy in vaccinated children and adolescents, compared with 0.97 cases in 100,000 of the unvaccinated group. There was no increased risk in the adult group.

'The results of this Swedish study are in line with those recently reported from from the registry study in Finland. The Finnish study showed a nine-fold increased risk for narcolepsy in adolescents and children 19 years old and younger. When the Finnish study results had been presented, and considering that the risk of getting ill with H1N1 influenza at present is very small, the MPA concluded that vaccination of children and adolescents with Pandemrix for the time being should not be recommended.'


Source: Medical Products Agency – Sweden


More research reports on infant and children

First Published in March 2011

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