Study recruits needed

Children who seem different from their friends may sometimes experience teasing or bullying. Some children find these experiences difficult to manage. Researchers from the University of the West of England are investigating the ways family life can help children cope. We hope to learn how to help children to deal with difficult experiences in the future. Your help would be invaluable.

We are looking for children aged between eight and eleven, who have a health condition, such as a food allergy or intolerance, or coeliac disease, and live in the Bristol or Reading areas, to help with this project.

Children and parents will be asked to fill out questionnaires.
Many children have found being involved in research is a positive and enjoyable experience, giving them a chance to
express their own thoughts and feelings.

If you are interested in finding out more about being involved, please contact Rebecca Bellew. (Contact does not commit your family to being involved with the work.)
School of Life Sciences
UWE, Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QY
0117 328 2839


Click here for more research on infant and child


First Published April 2009
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