Acupuncture and respiratory allergies


It is claimed that about 5% of Americans turn to acupuncture to help control their respiratory allergies. Advocates say it is beneficial, especially when used in conjunction with other therapies.

A study reported in the mainstream medical journal Pediatrics
compared real and sham acupuncture in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in children with persistent allergic rhinitis. Eighty-five children were recruited from a pediatric outpatient clinic and randomized to receive either real or sham acupuncture which was performed twice per week for both groups. A wide range of measures was assessed, including daily rhinitis scores, symptom-free days, daily relief medication scores, blood and nasal eosinophil counts, serum IgE levels, patients' and parents' preferences for treatment types, and adverse effects.

Analysis of the results showed significantly lower daily rhinitis scores and more symptom-free days for the group receiving real acupuncture, during both the treatment and follow-up periods. (Pediatrics; 114: 1242-7)

Practitioner searches:
British Medical Acupuncture Society (medically qualified family doctors and hospital specialists who practice acupuncture alongside more conventional methods) tel 01606 786782.

British Acupuncture Council
(practitioners with at least three years’ training in traditional acupuncture and related
bio-medical sciences): tel 020 8735 0400.


Click here for more research reports

First Published in January 2007

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