Asthma and other respiratory conditions

This section covers asthma and other respiratory conditions with special emphasis on possible links with food sensitivity.

Please click on the links below to take you to the subject that interests you.

For a extensive archive of fascinating respiratory allergy-related case reports check the website of the late Dr Harry Morrow Brown -


Respiratory conditions and food sensitivity

In an asthmatic attack the muscles around the airways contract, preventing air leaving the lungs properly and thereby leaving insufficient space for fresh air to be breathed in. As a result the chest feels tight and painful and insufficient oxyen reaches the lungs so that the asthmatic feels breathless.

An attack is often, although not always, set off by a reaction to an allergen as many asthmatics are also 'atopic' or prone to allergy. Usually the attack-precipitating allergen is inhaled - pollen, grass, house dust mite, pet dander, chemicals etc.

Allergens in foods can also be implicated although their involvement is frequently 'masked' by the more obvious inhaled allergens. However, if there is a sensitivity to a certain food, the inhalation of airborne particle from cooking or preparing that food could be enough to trigger an attack.

For interesting case studies got to or read Asthma, the Complete Guide by Professor Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamlin - pubished by Bloomsbury ISBN 0 7475 4043 8


NB Information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice and no liability can be assumed for its use.

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